Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Third Discussion : Thursday January 6th, 2011

On Thursday January 6th, Fea came back, which was lovely, since now we could start working on the essay. We had a discussion and decided how we were going to write the essay. We divided the essay up into three parts, which is equal to the number of people in the group, as you might have guessed. 
King becomes angry for the weather(this is the beginning of the troubles): FEA
King Derwin orders his Royal Magicians to make a new weather: (An act which triggers the disaster) FEA
Royal Magicians make the Oobleck: (the creation of the problem) FEA
The Oobleck arrives: (people become aware of the problem) ASHA
Bartholomew tries, unsuccessfully to warn people: (failed attempts to solve problem) ASHA
Citizens of Didd get stuck in Oobleck(a "sticky" situation) : ASHA
King apologizes (a resolution to the problem is found): AMBERLY
Oobleck goes away (problem is finally resolved): AMBERLY
Amberly was also given the job of writing the introduction and the conclusion. We set off to get our essay done.

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